Sunday, March 29, 2009

GutCheckCast 2.0 Episode 11 - We're irked

While we love our kids, and want to bring geeky things into their lives, every now and then, they bring home something that just rubs us the wrong way.
On our hitlist this week:
Next week's a weigh-in! 

P.S. - a quick update. I am informed by my wife that Queso was telling all the other little girls in the car on the way to Girl Scout Camp that they should really be listening to Rush. So, I guess it's not as bad as I thought.


Monday, March 23, 2009

GutCheckCast 2.0 Episode 10 - Your Better Half

Due to an unfortunate mishap, Zach UNrecorded his half of the podcast.

So, we re-recorded this one.  THAT podcast referenced a web site about date night at home, and 43 date-night ideas.

THIS one referenced Star Trek: TNG, Balticon, and Gundam Wing.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

GutCheck Interruptus

In which Zach apologizes profusely and admits to the use of pharmaceuticals.

Sorry it's late, and super short.


Download GutCheckInterruptus.mp3

Sunday, March 8, 2009

GutCheck 2.0 Ep 9 - Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!

We may or may not be very good at it, but it's a good idea to unplug and connect with the family. 

Slowing down and smelling the roses.

And maybe car shopping.

And maybe taking Mario Kart over to the neighbors. Or Guitar Hero.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

GutCheck 2.0 Ep 8 - Globesity

Doug and Zach are both up. (Rats)

Harvard tells us what we're doing wrong.
And Ririan Project chimes in with more helpful advice.


Download GutCheck2-008.mp3