Sunday, December 28, 2008

GutCheckCast 36 - Shocking Revelations and You

This week, after the holiday party season...

Doug is up a little,
Zach is down a little.

One more week.

Thanks to Matt Edenfield ( for the links this week to:
Fad Diets and why they don't work...
Personal Trainers are a Good Thing...
Slow Down at the Table.(Mom was right - you should slow down, and not wolf your food! Chew! For the love of heaven, CHEW!)

Thanks for listening, have a great week, and a safe New Year's Eve.


Download GutCheck36.mp3

1 comment:

Randilin said...

Hey Guys just wanted to say keep up the great encouragement. My wife and I were listening to G.S.G. and were wondering what happened to it, that was when we discouvered Gut Check Cast. We've been working through our own gut check problems and are now working our way through the old podcasts.