Monday, August 25, 2008

GutCheckCast 18 - Fanfares, Goals Reached, and 25 Healthy Habits

First, congrats to our formerly silent partner, Mr. Matt Edenfield, who has in the past twelve months lost 80 pounds! We are absolutely thrilled (and more than a little intimidated) by his success.

NY Times asked "Is thin really fit?" Their answer may surprise you. Turns out that just because you look skinny, it doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.

Men's Fitness lists the 5 healthiest spices. And it turns out, we didn't complain about any of the choices. (except Oregano. I'm not a huge fan of Oregano.)

Ririan project had an article that talked about the effect of taking a break on your health and endurance. What do you know? You've got to keep the effort up, especially for your aerobic exercise.

And last but not least, has the 25 simple tips to help improve your health. We're doing some of them, but I'll admit, I could be drinking more water.

And that's it. Sorry for the day-long delay in getting this out.

Enjoy! Download GutCheck18.mp3

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